Christmas is about to arrive
Halloween has just past us by and Bonfire night is just around the corner, but a date for your diary
Halloween has just past us by and Bonfire night is just around the corner, but a date for your diary
For over 20 years, Kew Gardens have created winter installations throughout the gardens, which can be viewed on specific dates
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are running campaigns to increase awareness of the risk of asbestos and the
A new survey shows office landlords are looking at converting spaces from traditional office spaces, to flexible co-working spaces or
At the beginning of 2023, Waltham Forest Council announced they were successful in their bid for 2 grants from the
While we are waiting for the new government to organise themselves and announce their housing priorities, new rules have arrived
We have all heard of 3D printed items in this technologically advancing world of ours, but a 3D printed building
Surat Diamond Bourse is a newly built diamond trade centre located in Surat, India. At a size of 660,000 square
The City of London, which is the funder and founder of the Barbican Arts Centre, has coughed up £25 million
Government pledge £180 million Brownfield Land Release Fund End of November saw the government issue a press release on the