1.5m new homes in 5 years
Labour’s election manifesto stated that it would build 1.5m homes in England before the end of its first parliamentary term.
Labour’s election manifesto stated that it would build 1.5m homes in England before the end of its first parliamentary term.
UK planning permission is a minefield of complications that can take years to get some approval through the planning committees,
The government announced £68 million which will be distributed to 54 councils in an attempt to reboot the building of
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are running campaigns to increase awareness of the risk of asbestos and the
A new survey shows office landlords are looking at converting spaces from traditional office spaces, to flexible co-working spaces or
At the beginning of 2023, Waltham Forest Council announced they were successful in their bid for 2 grants from the
While we are waiting for the new government to organise themselves and announce their housing priorities, new rules have arrived
EPC’s otherwise known as Energy Performance Certificates are under scrutiny at the moment due to their inaccurate and expensive advice,
One of the government’s latest soap box stances is to make sure that there are separate male and female toilets
We have all heard of 3D printed items in this technologically advancing world of ours, but a 3D printed building